As bars, nightclubs and events venues are slowly reopening in the USA, last weekend District Atlanta hosted its grand re-opening with the one and only Robbie Rivera and Eduke taking over!
A really great way to kick off summer, considering all the things that have been happening this year!
Eduke & Robbie Rivera rocked Atlanta last Friday with their two hour sets, which were also livestreamed on Twitch!
Curious to see what partying during Covid times really looks like? District Atlanta took the necessary precautions to help the audience feel safe and relaxed: they did temperature checks at the entrance, followed state guidelines of limited capacity for venues at 33%, encouraged people to wear masks and provided the bar areas with lots of hand sanitiser.
Eduke felt a bit of a relief being able to play again in front of a physical audience and listening to the music from the club monitors: "It felt great and I realised how much I had been missing the scene."
The audience seemed really relaxed and almost forgot there was a pandemic going on, Eduke says, and he admitted he was a bit worried to see so many people without wearing a mask: "You could tell they were all having a great time and had been missing the fun of the scene, however, many of them weren't wearing any masks and they were acting like Covid was no longer a threat. I had a mask on the whole night and the DJ booth was restricted so we didn't really get to interact with people physically...just playing from the stage!"
The District Atlanta event gave us hope that nightlife is sloooowly but surely coming back to life, and if people could stick to the rules during these challenging times, we would be able spend less weekends in our own room and more weekends out, enjoying our favourite artists.
At the moment, a few clubs in Atlanta are considering some ongoing monthly events, but nothing is 100% confirmed, as they need to find the right strategy in the new environment.
Robbie Rivera has just released a remix on his record label Juicymusic with Discoplex, and his next gig is taking place on July 2 at Voodoo Room 3rd Floor in Austin, Texas.
Eduke is planning on doing a livestream in Miami on 4th July, which will be hosted by Deep Waves Music and TES Studios (who also did the fundraising livestreams for David Guetta during the lockdown period)!
Watch Eduke & Robbie Rivera live from District Atlanta on Twitch: